Easy: take something metallic some 50cm long that is self-supporting vertical.
I had a telescopic antenna whose length reached 50cm. Its base diameter fit loosely into a PL-259, so I screwed a thick wire to the antenna base and soldered the other side to the connector pin. I kept the antenna away from the outer ring, and vertical, with some pieces of rubber (probably RG58 black coating) pressed in with a screwdriver.
When closed the antenna is about 12cm long, including the PL259. Of course the size of any reproduction will depend on the telescopic antenna used.
(pictures not in scale)
So I have 12 to 50 cm of radiator, which equates to a 1/4 lambda between 140 and 625 MHz. So it covers both VHF and UHF (and 220 MHz) HAM bands with a simple movement, and anything in between or above. It is not a multiband antenna: you need to retune it for a band change.
This antenna has now turned into a VHF/UHF facility that permanently sits in my car, together with the magmount base. The fully extended whip did not mind travelling at 130 km/h.
As a bonus you can use a similar antenna as a signal pickup on a monitor receiver when testing homebrew transmitters.