04 January 2014

R.I.P. Gould 4072

Shortly after discovering an optional accessory on my Gould 4072 DSO, I decided to keep it running for a whole morning. I left the top cover off, since I cleaned boards from the dust accumulation.

After some 10 minutes of power on a buzzing sound of paper into a fan emereged from the PSU unit, followed shortly by a white smoke. The smell reminds me of my paper burning experiments as a child.

A possible sign of the upcoming problem could have been the unstable signal measured on the display, but since I had cleaned boards the problem could have been somewhere else.

I suspect a failure in a PSU capacitor, but I am not going to troubleshoot it.

R.I.P. Gould 4072.
Edit: (Single boards are available if someone needs them to repair their unit) Since I've got nothing to loose, I will try to reach the blown power supply unit and, in case, attempt a repair.

Edit 2014-02-11: I do not own anymore the Gould 4072.