The 40m Chinese Pixie replica does not work.
The oscillator does not start. Can't get simpler than this.
Besides some capacitor values very different from most common designs, I cannot get the oscillator to start if the RIT/VXO arrangment is in place.
When the varicap diode (reverse polarized 1N400x) is shorted the oscillator runs smootly. Otherwise nothing happens. The supplied diode is OK, because I replaced it with no improvement.
The coupling capacitor to the PA stage isn't guilty either, since I removed it and still no oscillation.
There must be something wrong in the cap value at the RIT/XIT side. It is one of those capacitors where the documented value doesn't match.
Further investigation is needed. With a Manhattan/dead-bug layout would have been easier and safer.
Besides some capacitor values very different from most common designs, I cannot get the oscillator to start if the RIT/VXO arrangment is in place.
When the varicap diode (reverse polarized 1N400x) is shorted the oscillator runs smootly. Otherwise nothing happens. The supplied diode is OK, because I replaced it with no improvement.
The coupling capacitor to the PA stage isn't guilty either, since I removed it and still no oscillation.
There must be something wrong in the cap value at the RIT/XIT side. It is one of those capacitors where the documented value doesn't match.
Further investigation is needed. With a Manhattan/dead-bug layout would have been easier and safer.