I like the compact design of Moxon 2-element directional antennas, even if they are harder to build than a normal Yagi. Given the fact that 4 metres in Italy are allowed year-by-year, I do not want to invest in a large antenna, and I believe the gain of a Moxon should be enough to take advantage of sporadic-E openings.
Last year

I had started building one and almost forgot. Then yesterday I had a pleasant surprise when I realised that everything was ready to erect the antenna and measure SWR! The only "problem" was how to hold the two wire ends pointing at each other.
Problem solved with two rubber bands cut open and secured to the wire with simple sticky tape!
The H-shaped frame is made of 20 mm PVC pipe screwed together with slightly modified Tee joints.
A huge storm was approaching, but wind was light so I could lift the antenna on the fiberglass telescopic pole on the balcony, measure lowest SWR at 66 MHz (1.6:1 at 70.2 MHz) and take the picture above.
Both local beacons were off-the-air, so I could test the extra gain.
Then the storm came and it offered a good opportunity to experiment with the camera: