The current IFRK state-of-the-art is:
- frequency computed down to 10 Hz resolution, like the FT8x7 display
- transverter LO 10 Hz precision
- maximum shown output frequency is above 21.4 GHz
- tuning knob supported!
- tuning knob has 11 steps and "fast" 10x mode
- direct dial; in transverter mode, only kHz digits can be inserted (
- LO value <> memory location mapping
- FT817 proprietary functions for power level control and A/B/C repeat on IFRK display
Besides some cosmetics on the display and a thorough testing, I am planning to output in binary form the LO position and/or the band selected (2 bits each). These last features would control unused pins on the ATmega168 chip, so there will be no impact on existing IFR(K) circuits.
HNY 2013!