101010: I have managed to "sign" this date with a new (internal) firmware version for the external display for transverter users.
The new firmware allows L.O. values for 10 GHz (and more) transverters. The programming occurs as announced before, reading the display frequency and interpreting it as GHz instead of MHz.
But two L.O. frequencies can be stored, one to be used when the 817 (857, 897) is tuned to HF/VHF and another for UHF. According to a microwave experimenter, with this option it is possible to use 10 and 24 GHz transverters. UHF is recognized automatically by the display, and L.O. value varied accordingly.
Since automatic band recognition is enabled, there is also an output pin switching high from HF/VHF to UHF in order to switch transverters! One radio, one external display, two transverters! All within an ATtiny2313.
Here is a preview on the schematic diagram. Firmware will be published on the usual website. But it's available on request since now.
PS: this firmware works on FT817, FT857 and FT897, and their ND versions.