28 June 2016

Friedrichshafen 2016

I couldn't miss a second visit to the largest ham fair in Europe, so there I went last Friday. My main interest was the flea market, and that's where I spent almost 8 hours. My feeling is that there were fewer people and less sellers than 2015 edition, but last year I spent two days and I might remember the Saturday crowd instead.
I was looking mainly for old display technologies, and it wasn't that bad.
I bought:
  • IV-27M VFD (5 EUR)
  • IV-22 VFD (2 EUR each)
  • a board with 4xZM1000 and 1xZM1001 from Philips PM2421 (10 EUR) ... this is as old as I am!
  • B5092 and alike sockets (50c each)
  • two nice shaped valves (1 EUR each)
What I haven't bought:
  • red-coated top-view DDR Nixies (used starting at 3 EUR, new up to 10 EUR)
  • the case around the Philips board
  • another Philips board with case (26 EUR)
  • a 20 GHz frequency counter with Nixies, working (280 EUR)
  • a DVM with 4-digit Nixie display (70 EUR, fair)
  • another frequency couner with Nixies the person at the table couldn't find out the price
  • a desk microphone from 50's, nice design (5 EUR)
  • a desk clock-radio with a flip clock (obviously missing one palette)
What I haven't found:
  • early days spare LED displays (late 70's)
Now it is time to test my purchases. IV-27M will go first, then find out about the nice shaped valves and power up the board with ZM tubes. 
View from a corner of A1, new stuff.
Almost a panoramic view of A4,
from the rear end of the hall.


  1. Ciao Paolo,
    good to hear that you were successful in Friedrichshafen. They often have Nixies and VFDs there, but there is a lot of junk too. I found though that it is more interesting to visit smaller markets as the prices are much more attractive.
    I recently scored a nice old Nixie radio at an SK sale http://www.shortwaveradio.ch/radio-d/telefunken-e863.htm which would have otherwise been thrown away (could not let that happen).
    73 Jan DK3LJ

  2. Hello Jan. I will write about my success and failure at FN2016 in the next posts. I regularly visit the local flea market in ARI Torino but not found good bargains so far. Is there a list of German local HAM markets? I happen to travel to Munich and Berlin for work (Mauerpark flohmarkt was great but not HAM oriented, HI), so I might catch one of those.

    See you at FN2017?

    73, Paolo ZYW

  3. Hello Paolo,

    ON4LEA does a miraculous job of collecting all the be/ne/lux and german markets. Take a look at this here http://www.on4lea.be/termine.htm
    I went to one of the Belgian markets and was very delighted. Also nice is the UKW Tagung in Weinheim later in fall which has very good lectures too. I visit most of the markets in the Frankfurt area which are around 10 per year. Let me know if you need anything specific, I can keep an eye open.

    73 Jan DK3LJ
